A 12 week One-on-One Energy Coaching Program
The Healing Lab is currently in progress…
Welcome to The Healing Lab
A deep dive, put-into-action, transformational program designed to lead you back to the self-empowered, bad-ass you know you are
Are you tired of DIY-ing your healing?
Are you tired of:
- Buying the personal development books and never finishing? Or worse yet, never changing?
- Doing “all the things” (meditation, “clean” eating, mantra repeating – to name a few) only to feel the same ol’ way?
- Buying courses, taking webinars, getting your hopes up only to be disappointed because nothing ever changes?
- Trying, trying, trying but feeling like you never quite get “there”?
If you answered yes to these questions,
going it alone is no longer working for you.
The Healing Lab is a FOCUSED CONTAINER FOR YOU to heal the unseen, unexpressed parts of you so living is easy. Finally.
There are a lot of fabulous books, programs, webinars, and practices out there, but if you’re missing certain key ingredients, your chances of making lasting change from these are limited. The Healing Lab provides these ingredients FOR YOU.
My genius is in my ability to create a safe space for you to share your deepest, darkest concerns and even shitty behavior without judgment. All the things you’ve hidden from the world are welcome in this container.
The Healing Lab is the culmination of 19 years of working with clients from all over the world.
I’ve seen it all, I’ve heard it all. I’ve witnessed phenomenal successes and abject failures. And through it all – I’ve seen a pattern; a pattern of when healing happens (and when it doesn’t). This pattern is the basis of The Healing Lab.
I created The Healing Lab because I’m tired of people not getting the results they want. I’m tired of spreading myself too thin, of not being able to provide the support I know is truly needed. I’m tired on not being there for you in the big juicy way your heart has been craving.
The Healing Lab works because it combines the benefits of Energy Healing with the embodiment strategies of coaching.
What is included in The Healing Lab?
- 6 – 90 minute one-on-one energy coaching sessions
- 3 sessions – coaching, The Quick Pulse, and Sound Healing (you’ll receive an mp3 of the Sound Healing)
- 3 sessions – coaching and BodyTalk (you will receive an mp3 of your BodyTalk session for relistens)
- 30-60 minutes of voice/text support between sessions
- Support is provided via Voxer (a free app that allows us to “talk” to each other walkie talkie style), email, and text
- 2 Master classes with Nervous System Expert and Educator Lindsey Lockett
- Nervous System 101 – Understanding your nervous system’s role in healing
- Feeling without Fear – how to find safety in your body
- Exercises, assignments, check-ins, and resources (when applicable – because busywork is bullshit)
- Free* Membership in the Divine Embodiment Circle. Your membership lasts as long as the program exists, even after you’ve completed The Healing Lab. *Due to the limitations of Patreon, you will be charged $1/month for this membership (it is normally $29/month)
Why The Healing Lab works
The Healing Lab is founded on 6 Fundamentals of Healing. These six fundamentals are based on observing clients working through various concerns, childhoods, behaviors, and cultures and noticing who experiences change and who doesn’t.
The 6 Fundamentals of The Healing Lab
- Heal the body’s unseen holdings
- Address and heal what you DO see and know
- Transformation through education and behavior modification
- Self-awareness, Curiosity, and Open Heartedness
- Embodiment and Commitment
- Having safe and celebratory support
How to know if you’re ready for the Healing Lab
- Are you tired of doing it alone?
- Do you feel hurt when your friends, partner, or family “burn out” on your “problems”?
- Are you tired of hiding the “imperfect” parts of yourself?
- Do you crave being seen and celebrated for ALL of who you are, even the “broken” parts?
- Are you tired of airy-fairy, unsubstantiated, spiritual by-passing bullshit? (I am!)
- You have a “knowing” you’re ready and wanting to commit to yourself
And finally, if you’re not sure why, you have no reason, but you’re feeling compelled, you’re ready for this program.
The Healing Lab is the culmination of my 19 years of experience
Because of the nature of The Healing Lab, space is limited.
This program is for those who are willing, open, curious, and committed.
![Kirsten Hope's Healing Lab](https://kirstenhope.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Kirsten-on-beach-1200x600-1.png)
Hi, this is me, Kirsten – on a good day feeling great!
But not every day is like this, is it? These days I have more good days than bad. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I was so ashamed of who I was, who I had been, how I behaved, that I couldn’t even admit it to myself. I was controlling, bitchy, demanding, and totally unsure of myself. I didn’t like myself very much so I puffed myself up like a peacock so no one would notice.
I was both perpetually scared and reckless. In my family I was the “trouble maker”. I was the loud mouth. I asked questions. Lots of questions. Questions nobody wanted to answer. Being uncomfortable in my skin, trying to protect my tender heart, seeking validation, I did the following:
I cheated.
I told secrets.
I gossiped.
I stole.
I pitted my friends against each other.
I drank, I smoked, I partied.
I had sex with whoever showed me attention.
I lived with an eating disorder for 40 years.
I was a compulsive exerciser.
I turned towards the world and demanded attention.
I made everything about me.
I bragged and exaggerated my accomplishments.
I don’t feel shame about these behaviors because I know I was trying desperately to fit into a world I didn’t understand.
To fit in to a world that didn’t understand me.
And the more I felt rejected, the more I acted out.
I love my younger self for how well she protected me. Even while the adult me can see it was never going to work.
I UNDERTAND this behavior was a result of:
- Unhealed trauma (childhood and adult)
- Generational belief systems
- Living in an over achieving – academically based home that NEVER TALKED ABOUT EMOTIONS
- Feeling like an outcast
- An inherent sense of shame and lack of self worth that I didn’t know what to do with
As an adult I sought book after book, coach after coach, healer after healer only to be disappointed and searching again until…
- Until I found unconditional love and acceptance (not through my family or my partner by the way!)
- Until I learned how to regulate by body
- Until I found the courage to be radically honest with myself about all things
- Until I released energy stagnation from my energy field
- Until I stopped doing what everyone told me I should do and started doing what felt right to ME
- Until I stopped transferring brilliance to other people and instead reclaimed it for myself.
Reclaiming my inherent Queen Energy was heartbreakingly difficult. I couldn’t have done it without energy healing, coaching, and receiving unwavering support.
This is what I offer you. I hope you’ll join me.