Live in your LIGHT
Welcome! My name is Kirsten and I am here to help you step into your VITALITY, your WHOLENESS, and your TRUTH.
It's TIME to release the density that comes from living in a chaotic, dysregulated world.
I wonder...
Have you been to doctor after doctor only to find you're chasing symptoms that never go away?
Are you tired of doing "all the right things" and still never getting what you want?
Do you feel stuck in patterns that never seem to go away?
Do you wonder if there's something fundamentally wrong with you because everyone else seems to be doing okay but you're not?
After 23 years as a professional healer and coach I'm here to tell you:
You're not crazy
You're not "too much"
And most importantly, you're not "doing it wrong"
The work I do is profound. It's unlike anything else you've done. Why? Because I work with...
- The parts of you that you know need help AND
- The parts of you that you you don't even know are there
Together we build a bridge from who you are now to the WHOLE and HEALED spaces of you that already exist.
Wouldn't it be nice to finally
Know what you want and actually get it?
- not the breadcrumbs everyone tells you you should be grateful for
Love and be loved in ways that feel safe and honoring?
- instead of hiding parts of yourself because of what others might think?
Feel comfortable and confident in your body?
- no matter what it looks and feels like?
Move through the world with easy confidence?
- Without the constant nagging you need to be more?
Let me show you the way back to YOU
Kind Words
Kirsten's gentle approach allows me to regain my sense calm. I recommend Kirsten to anyone who has tried other types of healing with little or no results. Portland, OR
After my session with Kirsten for my relationship with my husband, I noticed a shift. These days I am able to see things from his perspective. I am also able to deal with issues better. Singapore
My boyfriend has some habits that make me angry and frustrated. Within a few days of my session, I found that the rage was gone. Thank you! California
I just wanted you to know that the last three times I've been at work I've gotten at least 3 new clients! I love your magic! Oregon
Kirsten has a unique mix of professionalism, compassion, intuition, insight, and healing abilities. She always knows just what I need and delivers it with style. I recommend her where ever I go! Oregon
I'm so glad I tried your demo session first. I felt comfortable through the whole process and didn't feel obligated at the end. Thank you! Utah
Since my free session many doors have opened. Washington
I have been feeling good lately in general, and I have also been sleeping fairly good lately too. I have stopped taking my medication for the most part. It's been taking me about a half an hour to fall asleep at night, but hey that's nothing compared to the hours I used to spend. Oregon
I just had to tell you that I had the most joy filled weekend. I went out and did things I haven't done in months. Washington
Of the two items I focused on, one item cleared completely and the other has only come up once since the session. For that, I am very thankful. Florida
I wanted to thank you for my session. A lot of turmoil has happened since then, but it feels like it was all supposed to happen, and it's only a step toward the person I want to be. Thanks! California
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What is ACASMA?
Acasma Qauntum Energy is unlike anything you have ever experienced. It is an ancient-future modality changing lives and humanity.
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About Kirsten
Since 2005 I have focused on bringing harmony and well-being into the bodies and lives of those who seek it. Grounded in practicality, I believe there is a place for both traditional and non-traditional...